Knee Pain

Philip Boozer, MS, ATC, C-PS
Owner and Founder of Return2Play
"How To Stop Chronic, Daily, Annoying Knee Pain WITHOUT Injections, Taking Painkillers, Or Having To Wear A Support Or Brace..."
A Message From Philip Boozer, MS, ATC, C-PS Owner and Founder of Return2Play
If you have bad knees that hurt or ache, it’s easy to believe that it’s “just something that comes with age,” “wear and tear,” or that it’s nothing and will go away on its own.
You’re not sure what’s causing the pain in your knees, but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better!
If this is happening to you, you are not alone; we hear stories like this all the time. Knee pain is, in fact, one of the most common issues we see in our physical therapy clinic.
And when it comes to living with knee pain, everyone we see wants to know the following answers:
“How Come This Is Happening to Me?” Alternatively, “Why Am I Still Suffering From Knee Pain That Worsens After Putting up With It for 6 Months - Sometimes More?”
Does That Describe You?
Another scenario we see frequently in our physical therapy clinic is when people go to their doctors and the well-meaning doctor tells them to “rest”, “try these painkillers”, and “come back in 6 weeks if it’s not better”. But then, 6 weeks later, they return to the same Doctor because it hasn’t improved, only to be given ANOTHER prescription for even stronger pills and possibly a knee brace.
Have You Ever Experienced That?
Perhaps you are puzzled because different people have told you different things. Perhaps you believe you must rest because you’ve been informed that walking aggravates knee discomfort or that ‘this exercise’ and ‘that exercise’ will help.
It is difficult to know exactly what to do – and that’s only to prevent knee discomfort from worsening!
And because of this misunderstanding, individuals frequently procrastinate and delay making a decision about how to treat their knee discomfort. Worse, many individuals simply accept it as a “part of life” as if it is normal or “had to be” that way.
Do You Feel the Same Way?
If You Have Knee Pain Right Now, Here Are Seven More Reasons Why It Might Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:
1. You believed it would disappear on its own, but it didn’t.
2. You went to the doctor, who advised you to rest and take painkillers; but, the drugs did little to alleviate the pain; instead, they merely “masked” it; and as soon as the medications wore off, knee discomfort halted you in your tracks once more.
3. A relative or close acquaintance informed you that knee discomfort is inevitable as you age, so you simply accepted it.
4. You have previously sought assistance from other Healthcare Professionals or a Physio, but nothing they said or did help.
5. You’ve tried knee supports and other pain-relieving devices, but they’ve had little effect.
6. You thought it would be a good idea to rest because your knees were in excruciating pain and swelling, but they continue to bug you every day.
7. You tried a couple of workouts from YouTube, but they were uncomfortable and did little to alleviate your pain.
If you have experienced any of the above, we invite you to schedule a call with one of our Physical Therapists in Modesto, California to find out what may be done to help you.
The fact that you have done any or all of these things is actually a GOOD THING because when you know what doesn’t work, you are one step closer to discovering what does!
Click the link below to schedule a call with us if you would like to receive free, expert assistance over the phone. The phone call is free, and there is no commitment to schedule an appointment with us following the conversation. Our objective is to assist you in making the best decision on what to do next.
"What Can I Do to Quickly Relieve My Knee Pain?"
Here are four things you can do:
1. First and foremost, you must decide to obtain help – So many people rest for weeks, believing that the pain will “go away with time,” but six months later, they’re still suffering and nothing has changed… Or the pain and swelling become more severe
2. Next, perform the RIGHT exercises – One of the best ways to alleviate knee pain is to perform the right series of progressed exercises – the right exercises given to you by a Physiotherapist will help reduce pain, allow you to move freely again quickly, and prevent the problems from reoccurring in the near future.
3. Avoid sitting in uncomfortable situations, as you and I were not created to sit. When you sit and bend your knees, you place your knees in strange, unnatural positions – positions that knees are not designed to be in for extended periods of time. To make you active and healthy as early as possible, it would be of great assistance if you were provided with proper strengthening exercises for improved posture, in addition to manual therapy.
4. Realistic, “hands-on” Physical Therapy – Physical therapy has been shown to aid individuals with knee discomfort. In fact, it is one of the most common issues we find among our athletes and active people at Ready2Play. If knee discomfort is interfering with your employment, preventing you from staying active, threatening your independence, or preventing you from spending quality time with family and friends, Physical Therapy can help you return to the life you deserve as soon as possible.
If you are interested in learning how the Physical Therapy experts at Ready2Play clinic in Modesto, California can help you live with reduced knee pain, we encourage you to schedule a free, no-obligation, risk-free consultation at one of our clinics.
Note: We offer this Free Total Body Diagnostic session to individuals who are unsure of the benefits of Physical Therapy or if it is suited for them. If this describes you, please schedule a Free Total Body Diagnostic session so that we can work with you to determine what is wrong and what can be done — at no cost to you.
So The Following Question Is:
How Can Seeing A Physical Therapist At Ready2Play Help You Get Rid Of Knee Pain Within The Next Few Days?
- Typically, pain and stiffness can be alleviated within a number of sessions.
- Usually, within 20 minutes, we can assist you to determine what's actually going on and determine the reason for your knee discomfort for good.
- Pain can "zap" your energy and limit your capacity to be physically active; we can help you sleep better and have more energy each day.
- We will guarantee that your issue is correctly "fixed" and "healed" and will offer you the ideal set of exercises to accelerate your recovery.
- We can help you stop using all of these medicines, which are obviously detrimental to your health in the long run.
- We can help you get through the day without requiring you to wear a knee brace for pain relief.
- We can help you avoid painful injections and risky knee surgery.
- We can assist you to avoid the waiting room at the doctor's office.
- We can assist you in regaining the quality time with family and friends that knee discomfort has deprived you of.
- We can help you return to ascending and descending stairs and getting around without dull, painful knee discomfort impeding your mobility.
Basically, the Physical Therapy Team at Ready2Play can help you get rid of the knee pain that bothers you every day and keeps coming back so you can get back to living your life.
If you want to know how much it costs – and what availability we have at our Modesto, California clinics – then click the button below and fill out the brief form:
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