Back Pain

Philip Boozer, MS, ATC, C-PS
Owner and Founder of Return2Play
A Message From Philip Boozer, MS, ATC, C-PS Owner and Founder of Return2Play
- Is Your Back Preventing Your From Being As Active As You'd Like?
- Have You Gone to the Doctor And Been Given Pain Meds As a "Solution" for Your Pain?
- Are You Living In Fear of Having Another "Episode" That Makes it Difficult to Bend, Walk, or Even Sit?
It is a prevalent misconception that back discomfort is harmless and will resolve on its own. It’s also typical to attribute it to “sleeping uncomfortable” or a “spasm” or something “everyone” experiences at some point…
There is no clear explanation for why it occurred, but it does not appear to be changing!
If you’re experiencing this, you’re certainly not alone, since we hear about similar situations frequently. In fact, Lower Back Pain is our clinic’s most prevalent condition!
And when it comes to coping with back pain, everyone we encounter is curious about…
“Why Am I Experiencing This? Or, “Why Am I Still Suffering From Back Pain After Putting up With It for Three to Six Months?”
The majority of people who experience back discomfort believe it will disappear on its own.
We believe that there is a magical moment when you awaken one morning and your difficulty has vanished. But six months later, you’re living with persistent back problems that are frequently far worse than they were initially.
Does That Describe You?
Has This Type of Thing Happened to You?
It’s difficult to know what’s best for your back pain. You’ve been told so many different things by people in positions of authority. Unfortunately, the majority of it is useless!
It’s not just about what you do when it hurts, but also how frequently you do it. The more frequently an area becomes weaker or an injury worsens as a result of poor movement and posture, the more difficult it will be to work that part of your body. If we do not take steps to restore balance through strengthening exercises designed specifically for those areas, we will experience chronic pain.
Back pain is often a confusing issue that people just accept as “the way things are”. What else could explain why backache lasts so long? It can be difficult to know what to do because there have been so many different instructions given by different sources, with little credibility behind them all!
Do You Feel the Same Way?
If You Are Currently Experiencing Back Pain, Here Are Seven Additional Reasons Why It May Be Lingering Longer Than It Should:
1. You believed it would go away on its own, but it did not.
2. The physicians advised you to relax and take painkillers, but they had little effect on your back; as the pills wore off, the chronic pain reappeared.
3. Age-related back pain is universal, so you simply accepted it for what it is.
4. You had already tried different healthcare providers or a physical therapist, but nothing they said or did help.
5. You attempted YouTube workouts, but they failed or made your back ache tenfold worse.
6. Your back pain was so severe that you thought resting would help, but it actually made your condition worse.
7. You opted to get a couple of “massages” in the hopes that they would alleviate your discomfort, but all they did was make you feel good and didn’t solve the problem permanently.
You’ve previously tried everything and it still hurts? You need not continue to suffer.
If you have experienced any of the above, we would love to assist you by inviting you to a free phone consultation with one of our skilled back specialists who specializes in assisting individuals like yourself to get relief from their chronic low-back pain issues.
Simply click on the link provided!
“What Can I Do to Quickly Eliminate MY Back Pain?”...
Here are four things you can do:
1. Initially, you must make a selection regarding assistance: It can be a grave error to believe that back discomfort will disappear on its own over time. As most of us are aware, it doesn’t work out that way, and six months from now, you’ll still be in an unpleasant situation, when what you truly need is a program that WORKS paired with some easy changes to your daily routine in order to break the cycle!
2. Next, perform the CORRECT exercises: The correct series of exercises prescribed by your physiotherapist will help lessen your back discomfort and restore your mobility. These are some excellent methods for getting rid of it rapidly, so don’t delay!
3. Avoid prolonged sitting and rest: Sitting on a couch for too long might exacerbate back pain. You need more movement and exercise, as well as hands-on treatment from physical therapists that understand the importance of this, in order to recover rapidly!
4. Physical therapy can make a world of difference for individuals suffering from low back pain. This is a common injury at Ready2Play, and we want to help you find relief as soon as possible!
Note: We offer this free Total Body Diagnostic session to people who are nervous or skeptical about Physical Therapy, unsure of its benefits, or if it is right for them. If this describes you, please begin with a Free Total Body Diagnostic session so that we can work with you to determine what is wrong and what can be done – with no financial risk.
Our Process
Phase 1: Tell Us Your Story
Unlike, the experience you often get at the doctor’s office, we want to hear your story. The full thing. No shortcuts. We want to learn about your injury, interests, and how this has been affecting your life.
This is your chance to tell us everything you want– including your health goals and aspirations, no matter how big or small.
Phase 2: Get Some Clarity
We will explain the possible causes behind your injury as well as explain the timeline for recovery.
Our goal throughout therapy is to give you the knowledge and tools to understand how this injury occurred in the first place, how to address it now, and how to prevent re-injury in the future.
Phase 3: Resolve Your Pain and Build Up Resiliency
- Reduce the pain and symptoms you’re experiencing
- Find the root cause of the issue and correct it
- Build up your body’s strength and resiliency so that this doesn’t occur in the future
So Here’s the Next Question:
“How Can Seeing a Physical Therapist at Ready2Play Help You Get Rid of Your Back Pain - Within the Next Few Days?”
- We're here to help you feel better. Our goal is to eliminate your pain and stiffness in a few sessions, therefore we'll work hard with you on this trip!
- Did you know that we can determine what's actually going on and get to the bottom of your back pain for good? Often in just 20 minutes!
- The pain you feel at night can decrease your energy levels during the day. For a higher quality of life, we provide practices that promote restful sleep and greater daytime productivity.
- With our experience, you can expect a speedy recovery from your injury. And with the appropriate combination of workouts created just for the current situation, it'll happen faster than you think.
- There is an alternative to using medications for aches and pains, as many people do. We can assist you in discontinuing the use of hazardous medications that will only exacerbate your condition over time.
- There are ways to avoid spinal surgery, which is never enjoyable. Physical therapy can help you avoid injections and get you back on your feet.
- We can teach you how to avoid the doctor's waiting room and reduce repeat visits so that you no longer require medication.
- Our team is committed to ensuring that you can not only live pain-free lives but also enjoy them! We will make every effort to ensure your full recovery.
- No more tossing and turning in your sleep, allowing you to awaken feeling revitalized.
- We can help you sit more comfortably and walk for longer than 15 minutes without your back feeling weak or sore.
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